Tips To Be A Good Kisser
1. Be hygienic - Consider your breath when you attempt to be a good kisser. Nobody would want to kiss someone who has a very unpleasant breath. You should know how to be hygienic. In order to become a good kisser, you need to make an appealing and an alluring target. It is very inviting to kiss someone with bright teeth. Fresh breath is always a must. If you have dry and cracked lips, it will not surely make you a good one. Be a complete turn on for anyone. As much as possible, you should try to avoid smoking. It will definitely give you an unpleasant breath.
2. Start a kiss softly - It is always best recommended that you start out a kiss softly and not harshly. Some women may not like aggressive kissers. Do not physically push too hard. Kiss your partner softly by not pushing it too hard on his or her lips. Do not put on so much force at first. There is a great tendency that your partner may feel more uncomfortable with it. They may fear you and may not be looking forward on kissing you again. A good kisser needs to be dramatic. Start it is softly and slowly, then gradually give more effort and force on your kissing. With this kind of approach, your partner will be looking forward on your next kiss.
3. Consider the use of your hands - To be a good kisser, try considering the use of hands. It is very impossible to kiss well without using your hands. You should know how to do it with your hands. Make it better by knowing not to be sexually aggressive. Do not assume that if someone accepts a kiss from you, you are already permitted to touch her or him anywhere. Try to be safe by touching or holding his or her head or your partner's face. This often implies respect and considers you as a good kisser.
Kissing is not as easy as it may seem. Consider these three tips and do not just be a kisser, be a good one!