Common Water Heater Problems and Their Solutions
This applies to your water heater as well.
Thankfully there are numerous solutions available so that your water heater problem will disappear easily and quickly.
Some Typical Water Heater Problems and Their Solutions A very common issue with water heaters is the collection of sediment within the tank.
These types of particles are found naturally in the water and will have a tendency to settle at the bottom of your tank which can induce blockages at some point down the line.
Regularly flushing out your heater should ensure that the sediment will not collect in enough quantity to cause the water heater problem in the future.
If you leave your water heater sitting for some time without using it you might start to get a smell from within the water, which is a natural process from water that is stagnant.
A water heater problem such as this is easily fixed, once again, through flushing out the system.
Only this time by using some bleaching products that are specifically available for this type of problem.
Gas water heaters will have a pilot light that ignites the gas so that it will then heat the water.
If, for some reason, your pilot light is not on you will have to follow the safety instructions on your system so that you can get it re-ignited.
If you continue to have problems that you are unable to diagnose yourself then you will need to get in contact with a technician who has more experience.
An advanced water heater problem is best handled by the professionals.
Water Heaters and Winter Months One of the most perplexing water heater problems is that of having no supply of hot water, particularly when the cold winter months arrive when the demand for hot water is greatest.
The cause of this can be due to an assortment of reasons such as problems with your thermostat, switches that are turned off, power supply problems etc.
As stated previously if you are unable to solve the problem you will have to contact a technician to have your problem fixed by them.
Noisy equipment is another common water heater problem.
This is relatively simple to correct as it is likely due to clogged up elements within the tank.
Solving the problems is done by simply cleaning the elements.
Always be mindful to turn your power supply off on your water heater when attempting to fix any problems so you can eliminate any possible personal injury.
There are numerous problems that can happen with your water heater, even though these problems can typically be resolved by just going to your systems instructions booklet.
The trouble shooting section of your manual typically has many of the problems that can happen to your water heater covered in helpful detail.