Summertime Vacation at the Lake Cottage - Time to Hook Up the Electrical Power
Not only is your vacation retreat far out in the backwoods - but as well its far away from any fire department and emergency services and rescue services as well.
Play it safe.
Keep your cottage and vacation retreat intact, safe and sound.
Although you may well think of your summer vacation cottage - whether it serves as a summer property mainly , spring fall and summer use , a year round residence or a rentals revenue property it is most likely not set up electrically as fully as your regular city home.
Sure people go out to cottage to enjoy themselves in luxury.
What used to be the simple retreat out at the lake or in the woods - may now be a most demanding setup through the eyes of electrical consumption and safety considerations.
Not only do people demand running water, running hot water and electrical service at the lake cottage now, but also such luxuries as dishwashers, garborators, washers and dryers, computers and even electrically demanding luxury items such as hot tubs and electrical saunas.
In the cold Manitoba climate some even demand automotive block heater plug outlets running a demanding amperage 24/7 yet all the time the vacationers and revelers act as if they are back in the city home property.
What to do? First and foremost if possible have a certified and trained professional electrician inspect your electrical system.
Plan and follow through on any upgrades and recommendations.
Failing that do everything you can possibly do to have the system inspected and tested thoroughly.
Ensure that everything is up to the state, federal or provincial electrical codes.
These electrical codes are always being changed, updated and upgraded.
Ask in the electrical and contractor trades for advice and help if need be.
If need be ask your power or hydro utility or utilities both for help and advice.
After all that is their role and job to ensure reliable electrical power and safety.
When it comes to obvious power and safety concerns it is always best to play it safe.
If you are away from cottage - the power can always be turned of simply by shutting off the breaker.
With seasonal cottage properties many turn off the electrical power over the non used and utilized portion of the year - usually the long wintertime.
Others do this and hook back up with the electrical utility in the springtime - both as a safety and cost saving measure.
All it takes is a simple phone call or email form the cottage property owner in the spring to the electrical power company to get things hooked up and running again come springtime.
If you are short of electrical outlets many will choose to use a simple electrical electric extension cord or add more load to a standard power strip.
If you do use an extension cord just be more than sure to ensure as well as verify that it is the same or larger wire and electrical capacity as the one being extended.
Basically it can be said that extension cords are designed generally for temporary use only - not for long term permanent use.
Yet many cottage owners forget this.
Once laid out for use many an extension cord at the lake cottage is often left in place.
Next if you do use a simple "power strip" make sure that you not overload it as well.
Check the voltage capacities to make sure that it can accommodate your equipment.
Lastly if you do have multiple items plugged into the same electrical outlet or outlets it may be time to have that qualified electrician out to the lake cottage to remedy this.
Perhaps a day of fishing at the lake cottage can be offered as a reward and inducement.
Play it safe.