How to Clean Motor Oil From Clothing
- 1). As soon as possible after the motor oil has been spilled, blot the excess oil with a paper towel or napkin. Be sure to blot, not rub, the stained area or the oil will spread.
- 2). Liberally sprinkle the stained area with talcum powder and let the garment sit for at least five minutes to soak up oil. The powder should change color as it absorbs the oil.
- 3). Brush the talcum powder from the garment with a small scrub brush and repeat the application of powder until the powder no longer changes color and no more oil appears to be absorbed.
- 4). Place the soiled garment in a tub or container and pour the can of Coca-Cola directly on the stained area.
- 5). Let the garment soak in the cola for at least three minutes.
- 6). Place the garment and the Coca-Cola in the washing machine and launder as usual.