How to Remove Expanding Foam
- 1). Put on rubber gloves and protective clothing.
- 2). Remove expanding foam immediately from areas you do not want it. Use small pieces of cardboard to scrape off excess foam, throwing them away immediately to avoid getting foam elsewhere as it expands.
- 3). Pour acetone onto old rags and wipe off excess expanding foam residue the cardboard pieces did not get. Do not get acetone on plastic or painted surfaces because it can cause damage. Open windows and keep acetone away from flames. You can also use nail polish remover made with acetone, or try paint thinner.
- 4). Throw away the rags as soon as you finish using them.
- 5). Cut hardened expanding foam away using tools like a saw, a sharp knife, a grinding tool and sandpaper.
- 6). Remove hardened expanding foam from your skin with pumice or sandpaper. If you get expanded foam on your clothing, it cannot be removed. Throw the clothing away.