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Sleep Disorders : Health & Medical
Cell Phones Ringing With Brain Wave Maps to Improve Sleep
Cell phone use near bed time has been proven to be harmful to deep sleep. Studies have shown that cell phone calls near bed time delay the onset of deep sleep by an hour or more.
Is Insomnia Wrecking Your Night?5 Mind Control Secrets Can Help You Sleep Like A Baby!
Can't get to sleep at night? Is Insomnia wrecking your life? Simple Mind Control techniques help you sleep at night, and, no, it doesn't include "counting sheep!"
The Insomnia Natural Cure - Natural Remedies That Work
Drug companies don't want you to know about these natural insomnia cures. Why not? Because every insomnia natural cure that is known is one more way in which they are losing profits. With these natural cures for insomnia out of the bag, they'll sure to lose millions more.
What's Making You Snore?
More than half of the worlds population snores. Many of these people don't know why they snore, and what snoring can lead to. With some exercising and toning of some muscles in the throat area all of the world's snorers can be cured, and allow their partner to get the sleep we all need.
Natural Sleep Aids to Cure Your Insomnia
Tired of being tired and wondering how you are ever going to get a good nights sleep? Read how you can cure your insomnia quickly and cheaply and only using natural sleep aids!
Sleep Sanctuaries: The Stuff that Dreams are Made of
Sleep isnt just one of those things that kills time until we can get up and get busy again! Sleep is critical to our mental and physical wellbeing...
Exercise Your Way to Relief From Sleep Apnoea and Snoring
Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common occurrence in obese people and unfortunately the rate of obesity is climbing, not just in developed countries but worldwide. The simplest answer and one well within the reach of everybody is having healthy eating habits and adding regular exercise. Besides leadin
Investigating the Causes of Insomnia Using a Holistic Mind-Body Approach
It's essential to recognize and understand the causes of insomnia. It's not enough to just identify the generic causes of insomnia -- you must find out, on a deep personal level, what's really keeping you up at night. What causes insomnia for you might be completely different from wha
Determining the Cause of Sleepwalking
WebMD explains how experts determine the cause of sleepwalking.
An Effective Stop Snoring Remedy Could Be Closer Than You Think
More and more people are looking for a stop snoring remedy that really works and can help them with this problem that can be an extreme annoyance. By looking through all of your options, you will be able to find a method or product that can help you stop snoring once and for all.
How to Go to Sleep - Get a Good Night's Sleep and Have a Great Morning
When you are trying to go to sleep at night, your mind starts to race and it will not stop, no matter what you do. You do not want to become addicted to those sleeping pills that every individual seems to be talking about, so how to go to sleep?
Sleeptracks - 9 Top Tips That'll Help You Sleep Like a Baby Tonight
Life is now more stressful than ever. We're all under more pressure and this is taking it's toll on our health and happiness. Increased stress levels is now the no1. cause of insomnia in the USA. Read on to find out the best ways to de-stress before bed and how to beat insomnia with Sleept
Snoring Is Killing You
Snoring causes many health issues both for the person snoring and for their significant other. From sleep deprivation to heart disease, there are many things this easily remedied issue can cause.
Basic Facts About Stress
Stress is inevitable. We are all subject to its occurrence because of the fact that we simply cannot avoid the happenings around us that cause it. Anything at all that may seem frightening or upsetting can trigger our body to react thereby leading to anxiety. Naturally, when a person gets anxious, h
How to Deal With Insomnia - 6 Ways to Help You Find That Good Night Sleep
Insomnia can really be a problem especially if you have lots of work to do the next day or you want to rest and that good night sleep just eludes you. If you have been dealing with insomnia and you are looking for something that will help you sleep but not put your health at risk, it is always advis
Getting Sleep, the Natural Way - Examples of Herbal Sleep Remedies and Herbal Sleep Aids
In the world in which we live, sleep is an afterthought. That is too bad, because we would be a lot more productive and accomplished if we had healthy sleep routines. But a lot of times, problems we experience with sleep are caused by our lifestyles and the hectic pace at which we live.
Sleep Disorders Research
The history of sleep research started In 1913 when Henri Pieron, a French Scientist, wrote a book called "Le probleme physiologique du sommeil." This book was the first where sleep was analyzed from a physiological perspective. Since its publication, this is work book is treated as the beg
Sleep Apnea and Congestive Heart Failure
Studies are being done on the relationship between sleep apnea and congestive heart failure. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea may suffer damage to the right side of their heart since it has to pump harder in order to support the added effort of their lungs attempting to overcome the airway obst
Why Do People Snore? The Facts
Have you ever wondered why you snore? This article details what snoring is, why people snore, the health implications of snoring, and some simple tips to help you stop snoring.
Sleep, Insomnia, Good Skin
A disorder such as sleeping disorder can sometimes be cured by yourself.Try to solve it by being positive in everything that you do.