Why Do People Snore? The Facts
If you snore, you are not alone.
Depending on which study you read, as many as 44 percent of men and 28 percent of women snore.
The prevalence of snoring increases with age, so the older you are, the more likely you are to snore.
Studies show that 20 percent of normal children snore occasionally and up to 10 percent of children snore every night.
Enough statistics.
Lots of us do it, across all age ranges, but why do people snore? Snoring occurs when the soft tissues of the upper airway, such as the tongue, palate, uvula, and pharyngeal walls vibrate.
When you sleep, muscles throughout your body relax.
The relaxation of the muscles of the upper airway decreases the size of the airway and cause airflow constriction and turbulence.
The turbulence causes the soft tissues vibrate and you snore.
Since not all people snore, why does one person snore and another doesn't? A high percentage of people who snore tend to be overweight.
Extra weight in the neck area will contribute to the constriction of the airway, causing snoring.
If you snore and you are overweight, "Drop the weight, drop the snoring," probably should be your mantra.
If you lose a few pounds, you will snore less.
If you snore less you'll sleep better and be more energized all day.
Not overweight but you still snore? Maybe you have a chronic nasal condition.
Sinusitis can cause snoring.
Perhaps you have nasal polyps or a deviated septum.
These can also cause snoring.
It's possible to treat sinusitis with nasal sprays, but the other conditions should be treated by a qualified medical professional.
It's possible that your neck muscles are not toned enough to prevent or reduce the airway constriction while you sleep.
Exercises can help.
Something as simple as singing can help.
Everyone loves to sing in the shower.
Knock yourself out and you may knock out your snoring in the bargain.
Doing "tongue pushups" can also help.
Force your tongue to the roof of your mouth and release.
Repeat this exercise several times.
An important thing to remember is that snoring is not an illness, it's a symptom.
It could be a symptom of sleep apnea.
The airway can actually become totally blocked, causing a person to momentarily stop breathing.
Breathing is restored when the person briefly wakes.
This leads to a fitful night's sleep and the person is chronically tired.
Sleep apnea also puts stress on the organs of the body, especially the heart, which can have negative health implications.
If you snore, it's important to seek a solution, not just for the sake of a good night's sleep, but for the sake of your health.
Depending on which study you read, as many as 44 percent of men and 28 percent of women snore.
The prevalence of snoring increases with age, so the older you are, the more likely you are to snore.
Studies show that 20 percent of normal children snore occasionally and up to 10 percent of children snore every night.
Enough statistics.
Lots of us do it, across all age ranges, but why do people snore? Snoring occurs when the soft tissues of the upper airway, such as the tongue, palate, uvula, and pharyngeal walls vibrate.
When you sleep, muscles throughout your body relax.
The relaxation of the muscles of the upper airway decreases the size of the airway and cause airflow constriction and turbulence.
The turbulence causes the soft tissues vibrate and you snore.
Since not all people snore, why does one person snore and another doesn't? A high percentage of people who snore tend to be overweight.
Extra weight in the neck area will contribute to the constriction of the airway, causing snoring.
If you snore and you are overweight, "Drop the weight, drop the snoring," probably should be your mantra.
If you lose a few pounds, you will snore less.
If you snore less you'll sleep better and be more energized all day.
Not overweight but you still snore? Maybe you have a chronic nasal condition.
Sinusitis can cause snoring.
Perhaps you have nasal polyps or a deviated septum.
These can also cause snoring.
It's possible to treat sinusitis with nasal sprays, but the other conditions should be treated by a qualified medical professional.
It's possible that your neck muscles are not toned enough to prevent or reduce the airway constriction while you sleep.
Exercises can help.
Something as simple as singing can help.
Everyone loves to sing in the shower.
Knock yourself out and you may knock out your snoring in the bargain.
Doing "tongue pushups" can also help.
Force your tongue to the roof of your mouth and release.
Repeat this exercise several times.
An important thing to remember is that snoring is not an illness, it's a symptom.
It could be a symptom of sleep apnea.
The airway can actually become totally blocked, causing a person to momentarily stop breathing.
Breathing is restored when the person briefly wakes.
This leads to a fitful night's sleep and the person is chronically tired.
Sleep apnea also puts stress on the organs of the body, especially the heart, which can have negative health implications.
If you snore, it's important to seek a solution, not just for the sake of a good night's sleep, but for the sake of your health.