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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Keeping The Passion Alive In Your Marriage

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, issues in a marriage is the sexual aspect. Despite sex being one of the most natural and easiest ways to express our love for each other, it often becomes a complicated tangle of miscommunication, misconception, and misinformation.

How To Get A Divorce In Utah

A judge grants a divorce after your divorce form is submitted to the court, and all required appearances before the judge are completed. In uncontested divorce cases often times you do not even have to physically appear in front of court to get a divorce.

Time Heals All Wounds - Hang in There

Any time you end a relationship whether you wanted it to end or they did, you will go through a grieving process that WILL pass with time if you give yourself a chance. Don't give up on yourself or your future, remember, just because you relationship is over doesn't mean your life is over!

Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Marriage

Does your marriage seem more like unarmed conflict these days than it does a happy, healthy relationship? Has it deteriorated to the point where neither of you seems to care about keeping it alive and ...

3 Ways to Deal With a Depressed Wife

Having a depressed wife, is very dangerous. Not only for her, but also for you. It will eventually take a toll on you and the whole family. Professional help is needed.

Living Together Before Marriage - Issues Concerning Cohabitation

What do you think about partners living together before marriage? Are you up for it or against it? Do you think it's ok to live in together? Cohabitation by definition is coined as the act of living together by a couple under one roof. They aren't married. They are just two individuals dwe

Special Nights For The Future Brides

Most future brides would likely want some excess to make their hen party memorable, to splurge in some way, either by means of a cloth shopping spree or huge spending on sweets, perfumes or expensive trips to some exotic locations. The idea is to feel as good as possible in your skin, isn't it?

How to mend a broken marriage

Marriage is a social union or a legal contract between two people who have agreed to live together in harmony. When two people make commitments to stay together in marriage, many times the issue of br

True Love - Is it Enough For a Lasting Marriage?

It takes more than just love to build a lasting marriage.To develop true love, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration.Without these, no marriage will be successful.