How to Model a Car in Cinema 4D
- 1). Open Cinema 4D. Go to the "Primitives" at the top and click on the "Cube." A basic cube will be added to the scene.
- 2). Select the cube in the scene and click on the "Make Editable" button on the upper left. Click on the "Polygon" selection tool.
- 3). Right-click on the front face of the cube and select "Extrude." Use the mouse to extrude the face slightly forward to about where the bottom of the windshield would be. Then extrude it again to about where the front of the car would be.
- 4). Change to the "Live Selection" tool and select the polygon that will be the front hood of the car. Then use the "Move" tool to move the polygon downward to the right position for the hood.
- 5). Change to the "Edge" selection tool and use it to move the edges to refine the shape and create curves. You can also right-click on e-face and use the "Knife" tool to divide it. This makes is easier to refine the shape.
- 6). Use the same method shown above to create the shape of the back and top of the car. This process is known as box modeling, and is widely used to create both static and organic models.
- 7). Use the "Cylinder" function and the rotate function to create four tires for your car. When you are done, save your work.