A Must Read If You Are Looking Online For DJ Classes
Well then welcome to the fast moving and exciting life of a DJ! Chances are that you adore music and need to get yourself as involved as possible.
Why else would you want to be a DJ right? I am going to go as far as saying that 99% of the DJs I know have had some type of formal training.
It is up to you which type of training you prefer.
You can find someone in your area that offers DJ classes, you can find an experienced DJ to mentor you, you can find a great DJ course online or you can use a mixture of the above.
There are some factors that you must ensure that the DJ class you pick offers before you invest.
*The basic scratching methodology from which all the other scratches are derived.
*How to mix 2 songs starting with two copies of the same record simply.
By learning how beat mix using the fundamentals you will be capable of mixing nearly any songs you would like.
*The best way to prepare your DJ kit for perfect performance.
Do yourself a favor and find a DJ class that shows you how to do this simply.
A few people will over complicate the basics and you will inevitably end up feeling more confused than you were before.
I have seen so many beginners fall into the trap of wasting hours online trying to find out how to create a simple effect and then they end up learning from someone that claims to be a pro but in reality may not be much more experienced than they are.