Do You Want to Develop Telepathy?
Telepathy is one of them.
Telepathy is a sixth sense which is the unspoken ability to communicate with others with the same ability instead of using other forms of communication.
Being telepathic means you have developed the ability to transmit and receive thoughts, ideas, images, colors, feelings, emotions and impressions from others.
Most people may realize that their brother is calling as the phone is ringing before they see the call display.
This is what the early stages of telepathy look like but most people don't know that it is telepathy or how to further develop their skill.
If we look at telepathy as it is today, most examples that are well know are horse whisperers or dog whisperers, those that can communicate effectively with animals because they can sense what they are thinking and saying.
Some twins that have a real closeness have telepathic abilities with each other.
People who have strong connections with each other can also be telepaths or they can develop the ability.
Even very close spouses can tell when something is wrong with their partners through some unexplained mind link.
A few decades ago, remote viewing was at its height because of the cold war and other world events.
Remote viewing is the most disciplined form of telepathy, requiring intense training and discernment.
Remote viewers must be able to clearly tell the difference between imagination and true impressions.
With patience and practice, anyone can learn to be a telepath.
People who have no training can usually send or receive a message when there is some kind of stress involved.
Telepathic training usually involves calming and clearing the mind.
A period of meditation may help prepare the mind for this exercise.
By taking the mind into a deep bilateral theta/bilateral delta state where the brain waves are very slow, 1 to 5 cycles per second, the receiver can access parts of the brain that are normally dormant during the waking state.
The subconscious mind is much more receptive at this frequency and is able to distinguish between imagination and pure thought.
Impressions are received by the receiver and verified by someone as accurate or not.
Telepathy can be fun.
It can be almost like a game to see how accurate you can become.
Grab a partner, friend or relative and collect a number of small items like photos, paint chips, pens, cutlery, anything that is small enough to hide in a bag or a pocket without the other person seeing the objects.
One at a time, present a paper bag containing an object in front of the person chosen to be the receiver.
The sender should focus on what the object is and what it looks like, such as saying to himself it is a black pen.
The sender should also focus on sending a powerful emotional picture of a black pen to the sender.
Showing the receiver the color black, spelling our p-e-n in the sender's mind also helps the receiver get impressions from the sender.
If you are not accurate right away, don't give up.
By the sender verifying whether you are on the right track with yes and no answers, you will get the idea as to whether or not to continue with the target object.
If you are not accurate, the object is set aside and another object brought forward, so you don't start a guessing game with yourself.
The sender and the receiver both concentrate on their role in the telepathic exercise, either on sending or receiving.
If both are relaxed, it will improve the efficiency of the exercise.
You have nothing to prove and you don't have to be right all the time.
In the beginning, your accuracy may be poor, but by continued practice, you will both improve as senders and receivers.
To record the accuracy and thought processes, the receiver should write down whatever information he believes he is receiving from the sender.
When the sender has completed sending whatever information he has to give to the receiver, he can tell the receiver verbally that all the information has been sent.
In the beginning, keep the exercises brief, about ten minutes or so, five minutes each being a sender and a receiver.
As your accuracy improves, you can lengthen the time period and add more interesting and complicated objects.
Use playing cards, pictures, bottles of vitamins, telephones and so on.
By keeping records of your accuracy, you will see how much you are improving.
If you don't have a willing partner to practice with, you can practice this yourself, by sending telepathic messages for someone to call you or to get your roommate or partner to bring home a dozen eggs.
Don't be surprised if it works.
We all have the ability to send and receive, we just have to find those moments of clarity.
As your skill improves, you may be able to pick up impressions from people you don't know well, even perfect strangers, especially if you see someone who is going through an emotional experience.
If you can relax and pay close attention to them, you may notice words or thoughts coming from them.
It will seem like you are reading their mind.
By relaxed concentration and focus, you can become adept at telepathy.
It can be a very useful tool and not something that is just entertaining.
If children become lost, for example, you can tune to them and sometimes help get them found more quickly.
These are rewarding experiences that make your heart sing and make all the work of learning this craft so worthwhile.