How to Remove Ballpoint Pen Ink From Carpeting
- 1). Remove the ink from the carpet without any cleaning agents first. If the ink dried on the carpet, try removing it with a dull butter knife. If the ink is fresh, then use a paper towel to blot the area carefully to soak up the excess ink.
- 2). Prevent the ballpoint ink stain from spreading. Combine a 1 to 1 ratio of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. You will need only a small amount. Drop the solution around the ink stain to create a ring around the stain. The mixture will keep the ink stain in that area.
- 3). Combine 2 to 3 drops of dish washing detergent with 1 cup of water. Use a washcloth to massage the soapy water into the stain. Rinse the area with clean water. Allow the area to dry naturally because the use of a hair dry may cause any remnants of the stain to set in permanently.
- 4). Soak a cotton ball with the rubbing alcohol and blot it onto the ink stain. Do not rub the stain because it can cause it to stain deeper into your carpet.
- 5). Use a washcloth to blot the ink stain with hydrogen peroxide. Place paper towels over the stain, and weight the towels down with a heavy object like a stapler. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to set on the stain for one hour.