Slow Windows Computer - How to Speed Up Your Slow PC and Get Rid of Any Errors Right Away
There are several reasons for this problem.
One is registry errors.
The windows registry stores all the information about your computer including programs and hardware.
Without the information in the windows registry your computer is helpless.
The reason that your PC runs so fast and error free when it is new is because the registry is empty of anything but the most basic programs and settings.
As you install programs and add and remove them you find that settings for each and every one are added and they are not removed at all.
Over a period of time this increases the size of you registry and slowly errors appear, resulting in a slow windows computer and if these problems are not fixed they will result in crashing and the dreaded blue screen of death.
How do I know these are registry errors? Typically your PC will display the following errors which mean these are registry errors.
#1 DLL errors.
#2 Computer freezes and then continues operating few seconds later.
#3 Error messages about registry errors.
#4 Unable to run programs or reports errors with them, when the programs previously ran OK.
#5 Desktop icons corrupt or disappear.
If you want to repair these errors yourself you have to have a good understanding of the windows registry and what the settings are and how to edit them.
Without this knowledge and information you can end up not just making mistake and editing or deleting the wrong entries.
You may find that your computer will no longer run windows either.
What can you do besides calling a technician? There is an answer to this and this is to run a registry scanner.
A scanner is usually part of a registry cleaner and scanners are usually given away free by manufacturers before you buy a cleaner.
This enables you to see if there are any problems on your computer before doing anything and tell you what you need to do, without spending a cent.
Once you have run a scan if any errors are found you can then get a cleaner to remove them and sped up your slow windows computer right away.