How Cheating Husbands Get Away With Fooling You
So how can your husband get away with cheating? How can you not see what’s right there in your face? It’s happening behind your back and right under your nose. How does he do it?
A dedicated cheater is very, very careful – especially at first. They will spend hours trying to figure out if they left any sign of their infidelity. They will plan very carefully, and then they will watch you like a hawk. If you show any signs at all of being suspicious, they will stop cheating – for a while.
But once they are comfortable in the knowledge that you don’t know what they did, they will be tempted to go back for another round. Then another. And finally, they are having a full-fledged affair. But they are always careful to cover their tracks.
He’s a very good liar. A cheater who really wants to continue what he’s doing will find ways to lie that would make the most talented fiction writer proud. He will omit details of where he’s been. He will set up alibis that seem airtight. He will learn to lie right to your face, looking right into your eyes – and then convince himself it’s alright, because “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
He might lie so often and so well, he actually begins to believe the lies himself!
Even if you do see through the lies and alibis, you might not acknowledge what is happening. Sometimes, the knowledge of what your husband is doing is so hard to deal with, you might find it easier to look the other way. Many men get away with cheating because their spouses weren’t ready to hear the truth.
And who could blame you? Cheating tears families apart, and nobody wants that to happen to them.
No matter the reason, cheating husbands do manage to get away with it. The vast majority of cheaters might never be caught! You can protect yourself by paying the utmost attention to your husband’s actions and whereabouts.
Don’t take what he says at face value, no matter how much you trust him. If you are wondering about an affair, you are already to the point of not trusting him, aren’t you?
Most of all, pay attention to that gut feeling that says something is wrong. If you feel as though something is out of place, then you’re right – it is.
Now’s the time to find out what’s really happening.