The Proven 3 Step Action Plan For Getting Back Your Ex
Step 1 - Take Control of the Communication If you are going to get your ex back, then you have to seize control of the communication between the two of you.
Leaving it up to them? Subjecting it to their whims? You don't need me to tell you that if you do that then all is lost! So how to begin? Start by putting into practice the following three simple words: Strong, Friendly, and Brief! Strong - as an adult, you've experienced times when you've sounded weak, and too, times when you've sounded strong.
Whenever you talk with your partner, sound strong! Friendly - don't try and fake a disinterested tone, it'll only serve to make you look pathetic.
If you are sounding strong, then you can easily sound inviting and friendly too, and not appear desperate in the process! And finally, Brief - Long conversations at this point will only serve to your detriment, as they both open the door to anger, and too, offer the possibility that you will be perceived as needy.
Step 2 - Show Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty Regardless of what they say, your ex is going to be feeling uncertain.
Whenever you begin anew, uncertainty is part of the game, that's just the way it is.
This fact can work very powerfully in your favor if you in turn exhibit certainty.
Certainty is always polished steel strong, and hellishly sexy! But never more so than to a person who is feeling uncertain themselves! So how do you show it I hear you ask? Well, the good news is that you've already begun to do just that by following step 1! Now, you are going to build on this perception you are creating of yourself in the mind of your ex, by taking on at least one new activity that you feel a passion for.
This action will not only show killer confidence, but also give a safe topic of conversation for your ex to engage you on.
Oh, and too, the very fact that you are doing something you are legitimately excited about, will serve to have this emotion associated with you in the mind of your ex! Step 3 - Don't Go for Too Much Too Soon Follow step 1 and 2, and your ex is going to want to spend time with you! Serious, serious time.
So now it's crucial to play it smart.
Right now, your ex still has uncertainty issues.
As a result, if you allow them back fully into your life they will not stay.
Why? Because you will have become indelibly associated with this negative emotion.
When they think of you, it will be like looking into a mirror that shows back at them their own uncertainty! So wait.
You want them back for good.
Not just a quick wrestle in the sheets! Hold for that time that they come to you, not in uncertainty, but in desire! Be associated with that emotion in the mind of your ex, and you will win them back forever!