I Want My Ex Back, But He"s Distancing Himself From Me
Are you kept awake during the night, scheming ways to find answers to that question bugging you all the time, "what can I do to get my ex boyfriend back?" Well, search for answers no more and read on.
For sure, getting through a breakup is not only heart-breaking, it can turn your world upside down, especially if you had spent many years with your ex.
So it is understandable why you would try your best to get your ex back - your world revolved around him for many years and now you're suddenly left alone with too much time in your hands, and no object of affection, anymore.
Yet, you would soon find out that the more you try to find ways to say, "I want my ex back", the more your ex seems to be pulling away from you.
It could only mean one thing - he feels pressured by your methods, and so none of your frequent callings, emails and text messages will work to win your ex back.
And you know that it is simply human nature to exert one's independence once it is threatened.
Here's a better way.
Let him feel that you've moved on and that you are doing just fine by yourself.
You can start by spending more time on your own, or your friends and avoiding the places you used to frequent together.
Find ways to develop your own interests and improve your self.
Work on your talents and skills.
Learn something new.
Go on a holiday with your girl friends.
Keep your mind off your ex and focus on yourself.
This takes some discipline, but you'll see it will be worth it in the end.
With your ex feeling like you're no longer pursuing him, it will probably make him wonder why there's a sudden shift with you.
This will work to your advantage, and he will start missing you.
Let him feel your absence and he'll start thinking what a good deal he had before and what he's missing now that you're no longer with him.
The smart strategy you can use to "get my ex boyfriend back" is to give your ex some room to realize that he had something good when he had you.
If he does find his way back to you, stop smothering him and making yourself available to him all the time.
Once you find the balance in the relationship, meaning wanting to be constantly with him and at the same time giving him the space that he needs, you will be avoiding the mistakes you had done in the past.
Try that smart move, and you won't find yourself spending hours at night anymore, crying your eyes out, telling yourself, "I want my ex back".
Let him start missing you, until he makes his first move to give the relationship another try.
Play a little hard to get, sometimes men like the chase, and they treasure more the things that they had a hard time getting.
In the meantime, do some wonders for your own self-esteem by doing the things that make you feel happy and content about yourself.
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