Tips for Buying Low Cost Full Color Printing and Direct Mail
Well, times have changed, and the Internet has made the world a much smaller place! Keep this in mind as we go over a few tips for buying low cost, full color printing and direct mail.
First of all, there's much more to being "low cost" than just "cheap".
It seems that anyone who has a computer and a program or two calls themselves a printer, so be sure that you are getting a real, full color, custom printing job from a real, full color, custom printer.
If the price is too cheap, there's definitely a reason why.
Next, you'll want to find a printer that offers a variety of commercial, packaging, and display items for you to all get all of your printing needs one in one place.
Why wouldn't you want to get all of your printing needs taken care of in one location? And, just because you aren't in the market for something now, different items bring different and new ideas for the future.
When it comes to your direct mail campaign, why not save yourself some unnecessary aggravation and hire a company that can generate a quality, customizable list of potential customers for you.
An occupant list helps to personalize your campaign and make you stand out from the masses.
Of course, if you already have a list that has worked for you, be sure that your direct mailer of choice has the ability to incorporate your list or database into their program.
One thing that is frequently overlooked by businesses looking for low cost direct mailing is the United States Postal Service guidelines and standards.
If you or the company you hire doesn't comply with these regulations, your direct mail money might just as well be tossed out the window as improper sorting and such may result in the delay of delivery (if they're delivered at all), missing any important dates that may be included in your direct mail campaign.
Ideally, having a custom designed, professionally printed postcard mailed out to whom you want, when you want for you - would be most advantageous of all, helping to keep your time management in check.
There are a few companies out there that offer this type of service; the trick is to find yourself a good one.