How to Make a Crystal Dog Face Pendant
- 1). Lay newspaper across a flat surface in a well-ventilated area and place your mold of a dog's face on top of it. Spray the mold with mold release, which comes in small bottles. This will keep your necklace from sticking to the mold.
- 2). Put on your face mask and gloves. Use neoprene gloves instead of latex as they are less likely to irritate the skin.
- 3). Pour some of the liquid acrylic into a plastic cup, enough to potentially fill your mold.
- 4). Measure out a small amount of catalyst into a separate cup. The amount depends on how much acrylic you have poured. The can of acrylic has a table on the back that you can consult for a precise number.
- 5). Pour the catalyst into the acrylic and stir it for a minute with a Popsicle stick.
- 6). Add dyes if you wish and stir it in for a minute. Special acrylic dies are usually available in the same store aisle as the acrylic.
- 7). Pour the mixture into the mold. Use a Popsicle stick to fish out any bubbles you see.
- 8). Allow the acrylic to harden. The time it takes to do so depends on the brand of acrylic and may take anywhere from an hour to a day.
- 9). Pry the pendant gently out of the mold. Align the pendant with your pendant bail. A bail is the part of the necklace that you thread a chain or cord through. Your bail should be a strip of metal with a design at both ends and metal teeth on the inside for a good grip. You should align the top edge of your pendant with one of these toothed ends.
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Use your needle-nose pliers to bend the bail in half so that each side of it grips your pendant.