Best Cream Q&A

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Any suggestions for the best shaving cream?
what is the best shaving cream for a woman to use? it can be made for either men or women im just looking for a apposite quality brand that actually works i would recommend dove shaving cream because it is good quality and it also works particularly well at a reasonable price. I use...

Any suggestions on a honourable shaving cream and apt disposal blade?
i have tried many creams gel and foams and haven't found one that is that great but gels do give the impression of being to work the best. any suggestions out there on a good shave cream and disposable blade? i know that the other rasors are better but blades...

Any thinking what paint colour will look best next to a black and grey fleck hearth rug?
the carpet is a thick pile hearth rug which goes in my foyer through to my living room.not sure what colour to go on walls as i dont want it to look cold as it is a family home.i will probably be in motion...

Any treatment is in that for my fleece falling after rebinding?What is the best down vigilance cream for smooth pelt?
My hair has done rebinding and highlighted.I highlighted my hackle 4 months after rebinding.But after that my hair become more coarse and my hair begin to fall especially from the right side of my head.The spine stylist used "Wellastraight strong" cream...

Anybody know the best cream for pink nipple?
What exactly is pink nipple anyway? HA This question keep making me chuckle. Thanks for the laugh. Just use any antiseptic cream off the shelf. Saliva is pink nipple resembling pink eye? is it a contagious disease? are you trying to get rid of it? magic cream. it really works Nipple color is...

Anyone any concept what wallpaper would be in motion best beside red settee?
i have a red suite and at the minute my walls are cream and wall at fire papered in a manila sort of suede paper. the room isnt too big and would like to transformation paper. any ideas what sort would be best as dont want it to...

Anyone else here have a sneaking suspicion that Dip and Dots is the BEST rime cream ever?!?
My fav is the banana split or cookies and cream Just tried it just now its very good mmmmmm i love cookies and cream yyeeeeeees!! i love those its not bad AHHHH OMG i love dip and dots! Yes, simply had it once in...

Anyone ever used the rime cream initiator attachment on a Kitchen Aid?
I am contemplating getting my best friend an ice cream maker attachment for his Kitchen Aid mixer for christmas. He is a food stylist, and I am sure he could use it. Anyone ever used one? Are they pretty simple beside good results? I wish I had one! It...

Anyone have the best paprika chicken recipe that does not require sour cream? I can't take it where on earth I live.?
Is it possible to make your own sour cream that tastes impossible to tell apart as the real sour cream? Can you get plain yogurt. I hold made this substitution many times and you can't tell the difference, also...

Anyone know a fasy channel of massacre a coldsore?
A coldsore just appeared last dark and i really need it to be gone by sunday. Any suggestions or home remedies? Ive been using Zovorax which i infer is the best cream available but is there anything i can do to speed it up? I have tried Neutrogena lip balm earlier and...

Anyone know of a accurate eye-brightening cream from Sephora? I stipulation the best! I'm practically a raccoon.?
I've used Benefits Eyecon and it worked pretty resourcefully. Cliniques All About Eyes was good for puffiness. i know you are asking for a cover up but my Friend had impossible to tell apart very bad problem and she go to the doctor and...

Anyone know of any correct rime cream or diner places contained by Ohio?
Both my boyfriend and best friend like going on random trips to food places that are elderly fashioned or different, but good of course. I be looking for any really good places in Ohio- preferrably Northern and Central (I live practical Cleveland). Ten points to the best answer,...

Anyone know please the best cream to rub surrounded by to treat the cellulite on my inner up arms?
I've been dry skin brushing and using small weights but I've not seen any modification to the appearance of my skin and to be honest it looks really unsightly. Thank you for your help. Nettie x From my personal experience I would...

Anyone know the best mineral foundation and BB cream for fatty skin?
I am using Loreal mineral foundation, I found even the lightest shade doesnt suits my skin colour, looks pinkish or yellowish and just after few hours my skin get OILY. I'm looking forward to try revlon or other brand of mineral foundation. REVLON pious? Any mineral foundation that having...

Anyone know what the best cream is to preserve makeup on adjectives daytime?? ?
Hey, just wondering if anyone knew the best but cheap cream that you can put on so my makeup stays on adjectives day. It looks good within the morning but by the time I get home it looks like I hold no makeup on. help! THANK YOU...

Anyone know what the best plump burning suppliment is or cooking oil burning cream?
better to go natural to some extent than suppliments. read tips and articles on weight loss and exercise programs on this site Source(s): free useful articles and tips on almost any topic- ISAGENIX-- This is a cleansing program.. u can lose up to 25pounds contained by...

Are Cream Eggs the best piece Cadbury's made?
the idea of an chocolate covered egg shape and cream flavoured filling is this the best piece Cadburys made give me your opinions I conjecture they are but they are probaly the most easily to get sick by because of adjectives the creme but fair play they rule yes defo they need an...

Are cream horns the best or what!?
When I used to work in my local bakery I used to 'love' cream horns but I got fired once the director caught me 'loving' my cream horn a little too much whilst on my break. I just love the track all that cream is stuffed into that sweet little horn. I get excited...

Are oatmeal cream pies not the best snack food ever invented?
What's your favorite pastry style snack? Mine is obviously the oatmeal cream pie.… Best ever. Nutter Butter cookies and milk… yeah theyre pretty coo ewyyy I hate those things! You should try gummy worms :) I love moose! I like them and pizza, soda, cake, donuts, sausages, ham,...

Are sour cream and cheddar chips, the best chips?
They are one of my favorite but I also like the jalapeno ones they hold at Quiznos. I vote ketchup lays chips. Pretty much, if you're talkin about Ruffles :D theyre up here, i prefer the blue dorriotos over all other chip. Yes, yes they are. Definitely sour cream though, if I...

Argh i be dumped over the weekend!! Ladies whats the best cream cake/chocolate/wine to aid my reclamation ?
Life goes on but i want to indulge in some self pity since i pick myself up and dust myself off again . Never again i can tell ya lol don't do it!.don't let energy get u down..get on up & out &...
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