How to Choose the Best Home Schooling Distance Learning Program
You have heard many of your friends talk about this option, but no one has done anything yet.
And you're determined to give your child the best education they can get because you want a better experience for them.
Many parents out of frustration with traditional schools turn to home schooling distance learning programs.
The challenge is that there are so many today that it can be difficult to find the one that will work for your child.
It seems like there are hundreds of these programs now because of the interest in home schooling but they are not all good programs.
When you are considering any home schooling distance learning program here are some issues to consider: Accreditation Traditional schools have to be accredited to show that they meet certain standards for their curriculum and teachers.
A home schooling distance learning program should also be accredited by the state in which they reside.
This insures that you are getting quality teaching and not just a fly by night school.
Teachers Teachers should be certified and have at least the requirements for teaching in the state where the home schooling distance learning program is housed.
This insures that the teachers have the knowledge and the skill to teach in the K-12 environment.
The Curriculum There should be a flexible curriculum that allows for not only online instruction, but also the ability to have a textbook and a hands-on application.
In order to be different than the traditional classroom, the home schooling distance learning program should take into consideration the need for real world application and immerse the student in learning.
Suggestions to Parents for Support A good home schooling distance learning program will help parents integrate the program and find ways to support their child in learning.
They will help parents find a comfort level with this process and give them actual ways that they can help between lessons.
History Any home schooling distance learning program that you choose should have a history of educating students and should show their success on their websites.
You should see testimonials and other information from students who have gone through the program.
Make sure that the program has been in existence for at least five years and that it is student focused rather than curriculum focused.
Customer Service You should be able to get in touch with someone from the school at least through email, but also by phone if necessary.
The program should tell you how to do this before you sign up.
You should also have access to the teacher via email, throughout the course of enrollment.
When you enroll in a home schooling distance learning program it will be a good idea to have at least a basic DSL connection for your computer because these programs generally work with higher level technical skill.
The program will guide you and your student through the process of what to do for each lesson.