Understanding Men: Patience Is a Virtue
I'm a pretty thick-headed person.
I'm not very fast on my feet and it has taken me days in the past to understand a joke that someone's told me.
My girlfriend isn't the patient type.
If I don't understand something, she'll voice her displeasure by taking control away from me and doing whatever I'm trying to do herself (which annoys me quite a bit, see tip #1).
If there was one thing I would change about her, it would be her patience.
If she was more of a patient person, I wouldn't have those days where I would question our relationship (which is normal in any relationship, by the way).
Unless we're ungrateful good-for-nothings, we wouldn't intentionally try to annoy you by being stupid.
We're genuinely trying our best, more often than not.
I am sort of embarrassed to say this, but there have been times where I've always been impatient with my girlfriend when she's taken her time to understand something I'm trying to tell her, so it does work both ways.
Whenever this happens, I try to remember times when my girlfriend has had to put up with me then I eat a slice of humble pie and I patiently wait until she solves the problem herself.
A few examples of these include: 1.
Trying to figure out how to manage our bills and mortgage, when I already explained to her how we planned to work it out, 2.
Trying to come to terms with the fact that she actually takes longer than I do to get her point across, especially when she's feeling emotional.
Just remember, whatever they're trying to do that's taking longer than expected, they're more often than not trying to do it for you.
They wouldn't be doing it otherwise and it wouldn't be taking so long.
Understanding men shouldn't be as hard as it is.
Just realize that women are better when it comes to mental wit and that we tend to not be as quick as you guys.
At the same time, realize that there are things that you do slowly as well that gets on our nerves.
Neither of us is perfect.
If you learn to accept us as we are, then we'll come to respect you more and to show more patience for you if there is anything that gets on our nerves about you.