My Girlfriend Walked Out On Me - Can I Get Her To Come Back To Me? (read This)
If your girlfriend walked out on you and now you want to know if there is a way that you can get her to want to come back to you, pay attention. It's never as bad as it seems at first, and there are steps that you can take to get your girlfriend back.
Here's how to go about it:
1. When the break up is still fresh, you need to give her some space.
As long as she is still feeling all of those emotions that led to her making the decision to walk out on you, then you really need to leave her alone. As much as you might feel the impulse to want to speak to her, to explain yourself or to convince her to come back, you need to stay away for a little bit. Otherwise it would be like adding fuel to the fire, and then you would be setting yourself up for a permanent separation from her.
2. As you give her some space, you need to rebuild your confidence.
Don't try to deny to yourself that your confidence is not shaken up a bit. It happens to every guy and there is nothing wrong with admitting that your girlfriend breaking up with you has done some damage to your ego and your confidence. So, let it rebuild, because you are going to need to be confident to win her back after breaking up.
3. Pull her back to you by using a simple and precise method that works with her female psychology.
Okay, women are controlled by their emotions. They really are. You know this, I know this, and so does any guy who has ever been in a relationship. What you need to learn how to do is to trigger the emotions that are going to make her think about you. The ones that are going to make her desire you. The ones that are going to make her crave YOUR attention again. When you can do this, then you can easily pull her back to YOU.