We Are Seven Sisters, and We Have Never Met
We are seven women who found each other on the internet while going through loan modification hell, and today we are the lifeline that helps keeps each of us going.
There are people who say that "you can't choose your family, but you can choose the friends you love.
" I have chosen these six women.
I have chosen them because of their heartfulness, their candor, their strength, their courage, their compassion and their absolute determination to continue this fight.
In a way I have my bank to thank for these dear friends, because if I had gotten my loan modification when I first asked for it, I never would have found my sisters.
We e-mail each day.
In fact, the first thing I do in the morning is turn on my computer, so I can bring my coffee to it and see what has been happening.
Since I live in CA, most of the others have already been up and e-mailing, so I usually have some catch up to do.
Sometimes the e-mails are about relationship.
Sometimes they are about heartbreak.
Sometimes they are so funny I spit my coffee out.
But all of the time they are my lifeline, and I do not know what I would do without them.
We write "letter bombs" for each other when one of us is going through a crisis in her particular loan modification hell.
And we are GOOD.
Amongst us we have researchers, people with real estate and legal knowledge, people who are great writers and always an approach to each issue that is dealt with uniquely, whether it calls for compassion or knock-em-dead rhetoric.
We sisters range in age from mid-thirties to mid-sixties.
We have close friends we see in person regularly, and we do not.
We are married, and we are not.
We all have children.
We all have biological sisters that we get along with, or we do not.
We have neighbors.
Some have grandchildren and some do not.
We are working, and we are not.
Our husbands are working, and they are not.
We have two jobs, and some have one.
We are office managers and executives and temporary workers and stay-at-home moms and retirees.
We are still struggling to save our homes, or have given up the fight for our homes but are helping others.
We are the American Main Street.
We are a story that may be being written in other corners of this country, and I would love to know if there are more groups like ours.
This for me has been a unique and thoroughly unexpected blessing in more ways that I can count.
But never forget we are also very strong.
We are a force to be reckoned with, and we know it.