Frequency Generator For Illnesses
Your body and the cells within it produce electrical energy, and your body has its own specific frequency. Viruses, bacteria and other disease-causing agents also have their own frequency. When you become ill, it is possible to treat your medical problems by using a frequency generator to expose disease organisms to a different form of their own specific frequencies. This can aid in fighting disease and help the body to get back to its natural frequency levels. Not everyone understands how a frequency generator works, though, or what to look for in buying one. The following tips will help you to understand the basics of frequency generators so you can make an informed choice in both purchase and use.
What Does a Frequency Generator Do?
By exposing your body to specific targeted frequencies, it is possible to help stimulate healing and restore the body to a natural state. By using a frequency generator, it is possible to improve arthritis; lyme disease; headaches or migraines; various infections including yeast infections or herpes; chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia and a whole host of other medical conditions. Even problems such as depression may improve when a frequency generator is used.
What type of Frequency Does a Frequency Generator Use?
Good frequency generators make use of RF (radio frequency) carrier. A RF carrier wave carries the frequency wave deeper in to the body in order to have a more beneficial effect. Frequency waves alone can enter the body, but cannot penetrate past the connective tissue surrounding cells. You should also ensure that the unit you choose has a wide range of different wave types so different conditions can be treated.
What is the Difference Between Wave Forms?
Typically, if you wish to destroy pathogens in the body, it is best to use square waves. If you want to regenerate and promote healing in the body, sine waves are the correct choice.
How Do You Set the Frequency?
A good frequency generator will have a crystal control to select the desired frequency. A crystal control is the most accurate method of choosing the specific frequency you need. This accuracy is important as you want to be sure you are exact when you choose the frequency necessary to treat your particular condition.
What Parts of the Body Can Frequency Be Applied To?
Many frequency generators come only with metal hand cylinders, which means that the cylinders are applied directly to the hands. While this frequency can penetrate deeply, using the hand cylinders works best for problems affecting the upper body. If you have poor circulation in the feet or other related problems, you should consider using a frequency generator that has foot electrodes as well. A frequency generator that offers hand held plasma beam tubes can offer better results than your typical metal cylinders.
Using a Frequency Generator
The use of a frequency generator is a natural method of treating the body. When you are ready to begin taking your health seriously and exploring alternatives to dangerous and often toxic medications and drugs, it is time to consider using a frequency generator instead.
What Does a Frequency Generator Do?
By exposing your body to specific targeted frequencies, it is possible to help stimulate healing and restore the body to a natural state. By using a frequency generator, it is possible to improve arthritis; lyme disease; headaches or migraines; various infections including yeast infections or herpes; chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia and a whole host of other medical conditions. Even problems such as depression may improve when a frequency generator is used.
What type of Frequency Does a Frequency Generator Use?
Good frequency generators make use of RF (radio frequency) carrier. A RF carrier wave carries the frequency wave deeper in to the body in order to have a more beneficial effect. Frequency waves alone can enter the body, but cannot penetrate past the connective tissue surrounding cells. You should also ensure that the unit you choose has a wide range of different wave types so different conditions can be treated.
What is the Difference Between Wave Forms?
Typically, if you wish to destroy pathogens in the body, it is best to use square waves. If you want to regenerate and promote healing in the body, sine waves are the correct choice.
How Do You Set the Frequency?
A good frequency generator will have a crystal control to select the desired frequency. A crystal control is the most accurate method of choosing the specific frequency you need. This accuracy is important as you want to be sure you are exact when you choose the frequency necessary to treat your particular condition.
What Parts of the Body Can Frequency Be Applied To?
Many frequency generators come only with metal hand cylinders, which means that the cylinders are applied directly to the hands. While this frequency can penetrate deeply, using the hand cylinders works best for problems affecting the upper body. If you have poor circulation in the feet or other related problems, you should consider using a frequency generator that has foot electrodes as well. A frequency generator that offers hand held plasma beam tubes can offer better results than your typical metal cylinders.
Using a Frequency Generator
The use of a frequency generator is a natural method of treating the body. When you are ready to begin taking your health seriously and exploring alternatives to dangerous and often toxic medications and drugs, it is time to consider using a frequency generator instead.