Why I Hate Adobe Reader
Sure, there are a couple of free alternatives but there not exactly well known and they haven't received the exposure they need to become more popular than Adobe's fantastic PDF reader.
So what exactly is it that I hate about it? Well like everything else Adobe make they seem to be making regular updates and each version is getting bigger and bigger.
Lets see, Version 5 could open, view and print pdf's, it was 8.
Version 9 can open, view and erm, print pdf's, it is 36mb.
Where on earth did the extra 27.
6mb come from?! Whats all that about? The only difference I can see with each new version is that the reader gets more and more bloated and slow.
Why can't Adobe just leave the damn thing alone? I mean I realise that security updates are important and new releases should include them, but surely that can't account for the extra size that Adobe Reader now carries with it.
And what about Adobe Updater? Why oh why does this thing keep updating, what is it updating and why wont it die?! I don't want / don't need any updates for my Adobe Reader or any other of my lovely Adobe products! Just think, in 5 years time we will be on Version 15, we will go on their website to download it and there it will be: Adobe Reader Version 15 (25GB) Although I hope by then someone has marketed a popular and free alternative that is slightly more lightweight and less annoying than Adobe Reader! To finish off Id just like to say that Foxit Reader is the nearest alternative we have to Adobe's lovely reader, and its free! So if your as sick as me with Adobe Reader then give it a try.