My Ex Wants To Be Friends – What Should I Do?
Until this very moment it was probably difficult to imagine being this excited and terrified at the same time. There are just too many ways this could go right or so very wrong for you. That knowledge alone leaves you frozen and unable to really think clearly about what you should do.
Here's a little bit of advice to help you through this difficult decision you're going to have to make.
Avoid Knee Jerk Reactions
Never, ever, give an answer right away. This is a big deal. It's a HUGE step. It's something you need to think about first – for both your sakes.
Give it a bit of serious thought. And don't heap false pressure on yourself to make a decision right here, right now. If your ex isn't willing to wait until you're ready with an answer then your ex probably isn't worth the deliberation.
Can You Make the Transition?
It's not easy to go from being lovers to being friends. But the LAST thing you want to do is to become "fiends with benefits" for your ex. You do not want to give your ex the benefits of a relationship with you absent of the responsibilities and commitment that should go along with it.
So you need to decide if you really can be simple "friends" despite the closeness and intimacy you've shared in the past. You also need to be sure that your ex understands the difference.
Do You Want to be Friends with Your Ex?
This is an important question to ask yourself before you make your decision. One, even more important question to ask is, will being friends with your ex be enough for you? Or, will you spend all the time you're together as friends wondering what it will take for you to get your ex back (full and proper)?
The problem is that you can't just turn off how you feel about your ex. You can't stop yourself from feeling the love you're feeling. You can't stop yourself from wanting to be more. It might be too painful to be there as a friend for your ex. This is something you really need to consider before you agree to just be friends.
Are You Still Holding out Hope?
Have you even given up on trying to save your relationship? You may not be ready to wave the white flag of surrender on your main goal. There's nothing that says you have to. But, agreeing to be friends can either be part of your strategy or it can become part of your undoing.