How to Make Model Painting Look Like Wood
- 1). Prime the surface you intend to paint by covering it with black acrylic paint. You can use a brush for this, or a spray can if the area is larger.
- 2). Paint the area with a dark brown shade using a medium brush. Brush in one direction, letting your brush strokes define the orientation of the wood grain. You can cover the entire area, or leave thin lines of black to suggest the gaps between planks.
- 3). Paint lines of a medium brown color over the dark brown base using a fine brush. These should run in the same direction as the base, but they can be wavy and irregular. Leave some gaps between the medium brown lines for the dark brown to show through.
- 4). Paint highlights with a light brown color using a fine brush. These highlights should follow the outline of the medium brown lines. The combination of dark brown shade, medium brown main color and light brown highlight will give the illusion of a textured surface.