How Do I Save My Marriage From Breaking Up? Important Things You Must Put Into Action Right Now
While you may come across a variety of different advices related to saving your marriage such as forgiving one another, never criticizing and developing communication skills, there are a few tips that will help regain balance in your relationship instantly.
Remain separated for a few weeks or even months - Now this may sound funny, but there is no better healer than absence.
A few weeks' space will give both of you an opportunity to calm down your raging emotions and look at the situation with clarity.
Go back to your dating days - As you are separated from your spouse, go back and relive those exciting and romantic dating period with your beloved.
Focus on the energy and excitement your relationship had then and try to work out how best to bring that magic back into your relationship.
It takes two hands to clap - Whatever we may feel to the contrary, it always takes two hands to clap.
Ruminate on your own actions and reactions that have led to this situation.
Examine the part you have played in the collapse of your relationship.
Focus on healing any emotional baggage you still carry.
Take professional help - If you really value your marriage relationship and want to save it at any cost, it is also a good idea taking time to visit a good counsellor to correct any psychological or emotional issue you have.
Face the issues honestly - As you go for therapy, be sure to be honest in listing out the issues in an unprejudiced manner.
Talk to your spouse and identify problem areas that have to be addressed.
If possible, both of you can take professional help together as this will solve most problems.
Never blame each other - Whenever you are together, take care not to blame each other and make the situation tense.
Remain calm and composed and try to reason out with your spouse.
If he or she is hysterical and continues to be so, then it is a good idea approaching a marriage counsellor.
Patience is always a virtue - There is no quick-fix solutions, especially to problems related to a marriage relationship.
It is therefore in your interest to be very patient and persevere with your efforts on how to save your marriage relationship.