Integrating a Customized Software Interface Design Into Your Database
You could be getting by on existing products that are not fully customizable.
You might be tired of just getting by.
If so, then you are ready for a customized software interface design.
Most vendors refuse to customize their products to satisfy individual customers.
Each time they create some new version, they want you to purchase it, which often means downtime for your employees and you are never sure that the new version will work any better than the old one.
You are uniquely aware of your company's needs, because you are there, day in and day out.
You might have even founded the company.
When you started out, it may have been possible to change the internal workings of your company to fit an off-the-shelf product.
Today, things might have changed.
If you are a new business, just starting out, you will save money by customizing your database now, instead of waiting for years.
The longer you deal with an ineffective system, the more your business will suffer.
You might be ready for a software interface design, but worried about dealing with a designer.
You might think that the costs will be too high or dealing with a "techie" will be too frustrating.
While there are designers that charge outrageous fees and are difficult to deal with, there are plenty of others that charge reasonable fees and cater to their customers' needs.
After all, techies need jobs, too.
The better designers will work with your company's team to create the required specifications.
They will create drafts and mock-ups, so that you can see how the software interface design will work.
They cater to the inexperienced.
They don't speak techno-babble.
There is no doubt that your company's database needs will change as the years go by.
But, with the right program, you can easily update or integrate new applications.
You may be able to foresee what your company's growing needs will be.
In that case, applications can be included in your initial software interface design, but "hidden" until they are needed.
When the time comes, you simply turn on those hidden applications.
The companies making the biggest profits today are those that have kept up with the latest technology.
They need fewer employees.
The employees they do need can work more efficiently.
They have more accurate inventories and better reporting.
All of these things are possible with the right database.
How's yours working?