Marriage Counseling Doesn"t Work - I Don"t Trust Him Or Her and 2 Simple Answers
The truth of the matter is we live in a world filled with deceit.
We can't trust our political leaders or anyone else in positions of authority.
We don't really trust the people who repair our cars or sell us things we need.
Just about everybody in the world has proven to us they cannot be trusted.
You probably aren't trusted by some people in the world either, depending upon the job you have.
Do your kids always trust you? Do you always trust your children? Why is there so much distrust in the world? The root cause of deception is always fear.
Even when it appears to be greed it should be understood that greed comes from fear; when people are afraid of not having enough they hoard what they do have.
Is it unreasonable to bring our fear of being misled into our marriage? Let's put it another way.
Is it unreasonable for someone who lives his or her life in fear of being found out of one thing or another to bring their deceptions into a marital relationship? The answer is simple.
If we don't see a marriage as a unique and special relationship, everything that is possible outside of it is possible inside of it.
Marriage counseling doesn't work because marriage counselors do not recognize marriage as a spiritual union, which has the ability of being exempt from worldly problems.
Think of marriage as a sacred space in which you can be your true self; that is the self that does not have to fear or worry or play games.
In the world everyone has walls and filters to protect themselves from the hostile environment we live in.
You don't realize what you are giving up by not going along with spiritual principles that protect you in your marriage.
It's like having an amazing fortress where nothing can get in, but you leave the doors and windows wide open and unguarded.
You have to learn the spiritual principles and how to operate within them so that you get the protection of the fortress of marriage.
The fortress of marriage allows you and your spouse to have the unique and special relationship you envisioned when you were first married.
Thinking that marriage is hard work is nonsense.
Marriage is not intended by God to be hard work, trouble or suffering.
He made it special but we throw it away in exchange for pop psychology that tells us God is an abstract thought.
Ask Yourself These 3 Simple Questions About Marriage Counselors: 1.
Do they know how to be married? 2.
Are they able to define marriage? 3.
Do they teach you the principles of marriage? No, they do not! It is impossible for them to teach you what they themselves do not know.
I think of them as the wise guys of the past who claimed the world was flat and if anyone disagreed with them they were thrown in dungeons or ridiculed.
Marriage counseling doesn't work because it is primitive.
It denies the existence of spirituality trying to condemn us to an atheistic view of humanity.
If God is an abstract thought, as they claim, then love too is merely an abstract thought.
You know that love is much more than just a thought or a feeling.
Trust your heart and learn the spiritual principles that guide a marriage to fort sweetness and harmony.
Open your heart to your loved one's heart and open your soul to your loved one's soul.