What Do Jewelry Stamps Mean?
- A 24-karat or 999 stamp is 100 percent pure gold. Standard karat marks include 22k or 916 (91.6% gold), 18k or 750 (75%), 14k or 585 (58.5%) and 10k or 417 (41.6%). Many countries use these stamp hallmarks and may also have stamps of their own, which is a good indication of where the jewelry was made as well as its precious metal content.
- Sterling silver is stamped 925 Sterling Silver or simply .925 and is 92.5% fine silver. Much vintage jewelry will have stamps below 925, a common one being 800. Foreign countries commonly use symbols for silver stamps.
- Platinum is marked either 900 Platinum and is 90 percent pure or 950 Platinum and is 95 percent pure. Other stamps with the numbers may include Plat, or Pt.
- Some country jewelry stamp marks include a walking lion used in England, the thistle for Scotland or a boar's head for France. Taxco 980 is a silver mark out of Mexico.
- Some vintage or custom-made jewelry may not bear a hallmark stamp. In that case, the jewelry item should be tested by a reputable jeweler to determine its precious metal content.