Image Optimization For Better And Faster Website Viewing Experience
There is actually not much problem with a dial-up connection when you are only viewing web pages containing text information. However the story would be different if you are talking of loading images. It really takes a lot of your time to download to the point that you will become impatient. Therefore there has to be a balance between the time consumed for loading the images and the quantity of images to invite visitors.
So it is still helpful that after having your desired images uploaded, you have to optimize those images first so as to decrease their size and lower the loading time that it may consume. In the optimization process, you will be able to reduce your file size as it enables you to remove unnecessary information from your image. You also dont have to worry that your image might get poor quality because it is done through a digitally intelligent process to keep your image appearance the same.
It would not be anymore new to you that sometimes your photo collections or those from your digital cameras simply contain file sizes that are too big. Some reach up to 2000 pixels high and 3200 pixels wide, which is digitally big for web posting. As a normal size for website, your photos should only be as big as 200 to 400 pixels wide. Having that normal small file size will keep your photos in proper format and giving you enough space for other website contents.
One of the ways to trim down those huge image sizes is by cropping the photos using the Adobe Photoshop or other photo editing tools. Working on with a Photoshop program will enable you to reduce pixel sizes while keeping the quality of your photographs unchanged.
And, after you are done fixing them with your image editor, save it with a JPEG file extension. This file format will eliminate the unnecessary data while keeping the good quality of your image. Sometimes when you save images in different file extensions, it distorts some of the information especially for small images like a logo. JPEG could give you an assurance of a maintained image quality. However, for logos that contain so many colors of flat areas, it is better to save and optimize in a GIF file extension.
We all know how important images could be in bringing life to our websites. People simply get bored with an all text contents and therefore it is a sound choice to pick image optimization to save you and your visitors on image loading time.