How to Win Your Fiance Back! 3 Things You Can Do
First you need to spend some time thinking about what went wrong with the relationship.
Where does the fault lie? Chances are both of you share a portion of the blame.
So you need to think about what your former fiance's roll in causing the problems was, and how you can discuss it with him or her.
You also need to think honestly about what you did to help cause the breakup.
What can you do differently that will prevent the same result from happening if you get back together.
Second, you need to have a discussion with your former fiance about the problems that occurred, and how they can be prevented.
Part and parcel of this discussion is an apology, hopefully from both of you, for each of your contributions to breaking up your engagement.
It is important, however, that this discussion not be accusatory or judgmental.
Preferably each of you will see your mistakes and take responsibility for them.
Third, Give your ex a little bit of space.
Remember, that just because you are ready to admit your mistakes and apologize, it does not mean that your ex is yet ready to do the same.
So, don't pressure them.
Keep the discussion civil and give them time to think things through.
It will likely take more than one meeting to work through things.
Don't force it.
If all that you agree upon in the first meeting is that the two of you will talk some more, you have made progress.
While, in fact, you may agree on much more than just this, agreeing to meet again is in itself a huge step towards learning how to win your fiance back.