How to Build a Plate Rack With Dowels
- 1). Sand the surface of the dowel rods and wood strips using 180-grit sandpaper. Remove any splinters and sand until the wood is smooth and even.
- 2). Lay out the dowel rods evenly side by side. Mark each rod using a pencil at the 6-inch line.
- 3). Cut the dowel rods on the pencil line using a hand saw, and then sand the dowels’ edges removing any splinters.
- 4). Lay out the wood strips with the widest portion facing upward. Mark a dot in the wood strips’ centers strip every 3 inches, moving vertically up the strips. These mark the dowel rod placement holes.
- 5). Equip a power drill with a 1/8-inch drill bit and turn the drill to its lowest power setting. Carefully drill into each pencil dot on the wood strips, only pushing the bit one-half to three-quarters of the way through the wood. Do not go all the way through the board. Repeat the process until all of the holes on each strip are drilled.
- 6). Coat the inside bottom and sides of each drill hole with the wood glue. Press one end of a dowel rod into the hole ensuring it stands upright. Repeat this procedure until each hole in both strips of wood has a dowel rod pressed and glued in it. You now have two strips of wood with dowel rods resembling a plate rack. Let the pieces dry for two to four hours or until the glue is completely dry.
- 7). Lay out a piece of newspaper and set the plate rack pieces on top. Paint the plate rack’s surface using spray paint in any color of your choice. If placing the rack inside a cabinet, use the same color as the cabinet’s frame. Let the pieces air-dry overnight.
- 8). Use the plate rack by placing the wood strips side-by-side and setting a plate in between the rows of dowels. Move the strips closer together or farther apart to accommodate different sizes of plates.