Appliance Repair Tips
TV Repair.
Here is how to perform flat screen TV repair.
Listed below are common faults with flat screen TVs, there will also be a selection of repair videos to help you in diagnosing faults.
No Sound First of all check your sound settings.
Most modern televisions have auxiliary audio outputs and these can sometimes be set to headphones or some other output.
Check they are set to speaker or the correct output, this is a nice and fast TV repair.
It may seem quite simple but I have been called out to a few jobs with this basic problem.
If you're still having issues then check your inputs to ensure everything is seated correctly and you have no loose connections.
If this still doesn't fix your problem then this could be a main board or speaker problem and you should consider getting an inspection 2.
TV won't power on.
Now, this may seem obvious but please check your power switch! I've had that more times than I care to count, some TVs have a fancy "EcoMode" switch which is in effect a glorified on and off switch.
Ensure that these are checked before you spend too much time looking into the fault.
Fuses, check the fuses inside the plug.
If this doesn't fix the issue then you could have a power board fault which is usually repairable.
Bad picture.
This can range from flickering to missing half your picture or simply a dim output from the screen.
Faults like that are usually not an easy TV repair to do yourself.
Dryer and Washing Machine Repair Washing machine repair and dryer repair is a great skill.
Washing machines and dryers are essential to our day to day lives.
If yours starts acting up or you're losing confidence in it then look here for some top tips! 1.
The washing machine sometimes won't spin.
This is a common issue that is usually caused by an unbalanced load.
The washing machine will slowly spin the drum and try to balance the load inside.
If the machine can't balance the load then it will not enter a spin cycle! Try a smaller load of with different items.
This is a nice and easy washing machine repair! 2.
My tumble dryer won't heat up.
It could be the overheat stat on the rear of the machine has tripped.
Pull the machine out and you should find a small button that can be pressed in.
Press it in and see if the machine starts to heat.
If the machine doesn't heat then please contact us as this could be a heater element issue.
My washing machine won't drain.
Check your drain pump at the bottom of the machine.
Get a bowl and towel ready as the water inside the machine should leak out.
Clear any blockages you find.
You may also have a blocked drainage.
My washing machine fills with water when it's left alone.
This is usually caused by the drainage being blocked or the spigot being fitted incorrectly.
If the machine is connected under the sink then ensure the fitting is facing upwards.
This will stop water back-filling the machine.
Check your drains for blockages too.
My washing machine won't spin at all.
This is often a brushes issue.
If the machine is older than 3 years then the brushes could have worn out.
They can also wear out earlier if the machine has had excessive use.
Brushes are an inexpensive repair but will need fitting by someone qualified.
Oven Repair.
If you have an oven that isn't quite performing to your standards then check the list here to see how difficult it might be to fix your misbehaving appliance and perform an oven repair! Please remember that ovens are DANGEROUS and you would be better suited by getting a trained professional to service your oven.
Oven won't turn on.
First check fuses and that the appliance has power to it.
This can be done with a non contact voltage probe or seeing if anything else is powered off the same circuit.
If the unit still isn't working then it could be an overheat stat inside.
Please do NOT replace stats yourself unless you are confident in your abilities.
If you use an incorrectly rated stat then you could cause a fire.
Timer isn't working.
This can be caused by quite a few things, if you would like this repaired then contact us for a oven repair quote as there are no user serviceable parts here.
They can often be easily replaced or repaired by a qualified technician however.
If you source parts yourself then please be aware you can easily reconnect wires inside the timer incorrectly and cause severe damage.
The oven won't heat This is usually a back up overheat stat or an oven element.
This is not a repair that can be undertaken yourself as the placement of the element is essential to ensure you don't damage the oven or insulation.
Ovens are simple machines with little to no user serviceable parts for oven repair.
This is unfortunate but also an important safety factor.
That is because of the heat factors involved in an oven.
Parts could easily be damaged or misplaced by an untrained person.
That could in turn cause smoke or fire damage.