How to Do Layers in Sketchup
- 1). Click on the desktop shortcut to start Google SketchUp.
- 2). Select "Window" from the menu and choose "Layers." This will open the "Layers" dialog. The default layer is "Layer 0." You cannot rename or delete it.
- 3). Click on the "+" icon at the top of the dialog. This will create a new layer. Highlight the new layer name and type in whatever name you choose. It is a good idea to give it the name of the object you will create in that layer.
- 4). Click on the check box left of the new layer when you want to work in it. Just highlighting the layer will not make it the active layer.
- 5). Hide layers by clicking off the "Visibility" check box to the right of the layer. You cannot hide the active layer.
- 6). Select a layer you want to delete and click on the "-" icon to remove it. This will not work with "Layer 0."