Get Over Your Fear And Get Her Back!
It's time to pick yourself up and get back in the game. It's time to start doing the things that work and that will actually help you to get her back instead of what is driving her away. And the time to make a change is now before all hope of ever getting her back really is lost for good!
What Fear And Hesitation Does – I know that you're freaked out and that getting your ex back is very important to you, but you very well may be shooting yourself in the foot by being so hesitant and worrying if your ex will ever change her mind and come back to you. Your fear actually makes you appear to be weak and needy to your ex. It oozes from you in everything that you do and your lack of confidence is a huge turn off to not only your ex but every other woman around you.
Think of it this way… if you saw a guy at a bar that was being overly nice to a girl and was paying her complements or buying her drinks when she was plainly trying to ignore him what would you think? You would think that he was up to no good or if nothing else something just wasn't quite right with him. His intentions and his lack of confidence in what he was trying to accomplish would be apparent in his voice and his body posture. Plus the fact that he was doggedly trying to hit on a woman that obviously had no interest in him would make him look like a loser.
Have Some Nads! – On the other hand, the same guy that was willing to walk away from a chick or act like he didn't care would gain your respect and probably the respect of the girl that was blowing him off also. Having the guts to at least act like you don't care or that you're not going to put up with being treated poorly will gain you respect and at least some admiration from your ex as well as the onlookers that can see what's going on in your relationship.
Walk away for a while. Make your ex think about how she has been treating you. Live to fight another day and realize that it isn't what you say or what you give your ex that is going to win her back. It is how you make her feel that will change her mind and win her over. And don't just sit there waiting for the phone to ring. See what other guys are doing or what they have done to get their ex back before your ex walks off with some other guy leaving you to figure out what you did wrong.