Tools to Imprint Initials as Identification
- American Typewriter Designer Stamp Sets are heat-treated tool-steel stamps. You can buy sets featuring the lowercase alphabet, uppercase alphabet, numbers and symbols. The makers advise you use a 16-ounce hammer or impact press to force the tip of the stamp into the material being imprinted. The advantage of using an impact press, a tool you use to apply force via a lever, is that you get consistent pressure, so the imprint depth will be identical for each initial.
- If you wish to imprint your initials on wood, you can use wood marking steel stamps. These leave a mark that is subtle yet visible. Wood marking stamps are available both as hand stamps and plate stamps. With the hand stamps, you use a hammer to strike them. With the plate stamps, you use an arbor press, a small hand-operated press used for riveting and similar jobs. Custom wood-marking stamps, which could feature your initials interwoven together, are also available.
- You can use a customized branding iron for the job. A branding iron is a tool consisting of a metal shape, or logo, on a handle. You heat up the shape, which in this case would be your initials, using a blowtorch or stove. Then you press it against wood, leather, or certain other materials to burn the image into the material, thereby leaving a mark. There are also electric branding irons.
- A punch is a tool about the size and shape of a pen, used to drive nails into wood, among other uses. You can also use a punch to form patterns on metal and, using a similar technique, you could make your initials either into metal or other materials. Further, if you want to imprint your initials into paper or thin card, you could use a monogram embosser, a small, three-initial personalized impression tool.