KC Boutiette and Jennifer Rodriguez
KC Boutiette was born on April 11, 1970 in Lakewood, Washington.
Jennifer Rodriguez was born on June 8, 1976 in Miami, Florida.
How KC and Jennifer Met:
KC and Jennifer met while inline skating. They started dating in 1996.
In July, 2000, KC proposed to Jennifer by hiding an engagement ring in her vitamin bottle during breakfast.
Wedding Date:
A few months after the 2002 Salt Lake Games, KC Boutiette and Jennifer Rodriguez were married on April 13, 2002, in Miami, Florida in a ceremony just off the beach. Derek and Tiffany Parra were in the wedding party along with other Olympians.
KC and Jennifer honeymooned in St. Lucia.
KC Boutiette is a speedskater. He is a former construction worker. He was in the Olympics in 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2006.
Jennifer Rodriguez is a speedskater. She was in the 1998, 2002, and 2006 Olympics. KC introduced Jennifer to speedskating when she was an in-line skater.
KC and Jennifer reside in a Park City, Utah condominium that they purchased in 2000.
Quotes About Their Marriage Relationship:
Jennifer, about KC's influence on her skating: "...of course my parents and coaches have been tremendous influences on me, but KC has probably been one of the biggest.
He was there when I took my first steps on the ice and has been there every step of the way since."
Source: USSpeedskating.org
KC, about supporting one another: "We support each other on and off the ice," said Boutiette, who sharpens Rodriguez's skates. "It gives her confidence when I skate well because then she knows she can, too."
Source: Amarillo Globe-News. 02/12/02.