Video: How to Draw a Flower Stencil in Photoshop
Video Transcript
Hi. My name's Alex, and I'm going to show you how to draw a flower stencil in Photoshop. So suppose you see a photo of a flower you like, like so and you want a stencil of it for drawing or for screen printing, or whatever you might use your stencil for. The easiest way to go about drawing a stencil around anything in to use the free form pen tool. And it you have a Tablet it's even easier. But if you have a mouse that's fine too. So if you go to the pen tool which is right below the burn tool, hold down the pen tool and go to the free form pen tool. And I would select black just because when you print it out you're going to cut it out too. So you're going to want to make sure you know exactly where you're you know, going. So I think the easiest way to start going is to sort of just kind of trace the shape like this. And you don't need to get the exact marks but it can help. And what I like to do is when I'm tracing my flowers I don't really need to you know, make it look exact. I like to have it so that it's kind of got the markage. So you know the mark is there but it's not, it's more like negative space that's kind of representing the spot. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a few petals like this. And I'm actually only going to do a few. Because then what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to copy and paste them to make them look more symmetrical. OK. So then I'm going to right click, fill path and make sure it's on a separate layer. Because if you don't it'll show up on the same layer as the photo and then you won't be able to play around with it. OK. So here we've got this, so I'm actually going to get rid of this flower underneath. And then I'm going to right click and delete path. And then I'm just going to go ahead and use my lasso tool and select a couple of the petals and then just make a couple copies of it by holding down option, free transform and just kind of putting it like so. And then the cool thing is, what you can also do is something like this where all you have to do is take the entire image, hold option and double it like that. And then just, and then as you see it makes a layer copy. So right click, free transform, flip horizontal and then put it right in the same spot and then you've got double your petals here. My name is Alex and this is how you make a flower stencil in Photoshop. Thank you.