How to Strip Stain From Grooved Wood
- 1). Apply an even layer of wood stain stripper over the entire stained surface. Use an old rag to apply stain stripper well into the grooves on the wood. Allow wood stain stripper to set for 30 minutes.
- 2). Scrape off wood stain stripper using a plastic scraper. A plastic putty knife is a reliable tool for removing wood stain stripper from the surface. Run the tip of the plastic scraper between all grooves to remove any stain stripper.
- 3). Wipe away excess stain stripper using an old rag. Apply a second coat and repeat this process if a generous amount of stain remains.
- 4). Sand the entire wood surface using 120-grit sandpaper. Fold the sandpaper squares in half and run between all grooves to remove stain from hard to reach places. Sand over the entire surface until all stain is removed.
- 5). Sand over the entire wood surface with 220-grit sandpaper, which will remove any remaining stain and smooth the surface for any staining or painting.
- 6). Wipe finished surface with a damp rag to remove any dust from the surface. Paint, stain, or finish the wood as planned.