Amazingly Effective Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back! This Will Make Your Ex Desperately Desire You
Some people resort to underhanded tactics and while it may work at times, it almost always results in a nastier breakup down the line because of the deception involved.
It's also the very reason that I came up with these 4 tips because I want you to not only to get your ex back, I want you to keep him/her as well.
Be selfless - Stop thinking of the reasons why you want your ex back and start thinking why and how you would make your ex want you back.
He/she is the one you need to convince anyways, right? Think of the things that led to the break up and analyze If changing those to get him/her back would not compromise the real you.
If you have to be a different person to get him/her back then it's not worth the effort.
Take better care of yourself - sometimes our partners leave us because we get complacent and we get too comfortable and we start not to care about how we carry ourselves around the person we love the most.
When we start doing that, our partners slowly lose interest.
This may not even be a conscious effort on their part.
Start valuing yourself and people will see through it, your ex included.
Give your ex some space - Even if we already did everything right, our ex needs time to re asses things and calling and bugging him/her would only drive them away.
At the same time if your ex sees you are doing just fine without him/her, the more you ex would want to get back with you because everyone would want to be with someone who's always on top of the situation.
Have a positive disposition - If you come across as someone who exudes positive vibes (even if you are struggling inside) it would be easier for your ex to make that decision.
Most people make the mistake of using emotional blackmail to get their ex back and though there are times it works, it would still be better if they take you back feeling good about it and not because they would feel guilty if they didn't.