How to Connect a Wireless ADSL
- 1). Hook the power cable up to your router and connect it to a power outlet. Look for a small hole in your router about the same size as the small end of the power cable and connect it there.
- 2). Connect a normal phone cable from your router to a phone jack in a wall of your house. You benefit most from using a phone jack close to your computer.
- 3). Connect an Ethernet cable from your router to the back of your computer's tower. Look for a port on the back of your computer exactly like the ones on the back of your router. Ethernet cables resemble phone cables, save for the fact that they are thicker.
- 4). Look on your router for its IP address. An IP address is a series of four numbers, each one ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by dots between each numerical group in the series. Find it in the operation manual if you don't see it anywhere around the router. Look also through either the router or the operation manual for the default username and password for login, if there is any.
- 5). Turn on your computer and open up your browser.
- 6). Write the router's IP address on your browser's address bar and press "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard. If you are prompted for login information, write the username and password you found on your router or operation manual.
- 7). Click on "Wireless Settings" or "Wireless" on the left side of your screen. You might need to do some digging in your operation manual if you cannot find this settings page. Make sure that wireless access is enabled on this page.
- 8). Unplug the Ethernet cable from your computer once you enabled wireless access.
- 9). Right-click the icon of a computer with some waves coming out of it at the lower right corner of your screen.
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Click "View Available Wireless Networks." - 11
Select your network from the list and click "Connect" on the bottom of the new window.