How to Make Lockpick Tools
- 1). Select an L-shaped Allen wrench--also known as a hex key--that is several sizes too large to enter the keyway.
- 2). Taper the short end of the Allen wrench to a dull, flat point. In most cases you'll find it easiest to use if the flat part of the point is oriented perpendicular to the long handle of the wrench.
- 3). Check to make sure the blunt point of the wrench slips easily into the keyway. If it doesn't fit easily, grind it down some more and try again.
- 4). Sand the ground portions of the Allen wrench with fine-grade or finishing-metal sandpaper until they're smooth to the touch. This helps them slide easily within the keyway.
- 1). Select a hacksaw blade wide enough to function comfortably as a handle.
- 2). Grind the edge off both sides of the hacksaw blade, along its entire length.
- 3). Use the grinder to shape a long notch into one side of the hacksaw blade near its end.
- 4). Continue grinding the pick into shape until you have as slender a pick as you can grind, with a small diamond-shaped point at its end. Leave at least 3 inches--or as many as 6 depending on the size of your hands--of hacksaw blade to function as a handle. Cut or grind any extra hacksaw blade away from the back of the handle.
- 5). Make other shapes and sizes of picks if you so desire.
- 6). Finish the picks with fine-grade or finishing-metal sandpaper so that they will glide smoothly within the keyway.