4 Brilliant Mind Games to Get Your Ex Back! Trust Me - You Just Don"t Want to Miss This
In such a case, stop pleading and encircle your ex with these 4 brilliant mind games that will simply lead your ex back into the empty stable.
The 1st mind game would be stop pleading with your ex immediately.
Instead, get out of town for a week or so to clear your muddled mind and to calmly collect your thoughts.
Your ex will start wondering about your whereabouts while also starting to worry about your well-being.
The next mind game would be to return from your mind-clearing break and to immediately get into your work routine.
Do not visit your ex's doorstep to plead for a reunion but instead ignore your ex.
Your ex will get puzzled and this move will deflate your ex's ego, while your calm approach to life will also grudgingly win his/her silent respect.
The 3rd mind game would be to start praising your ex in the presence of his/her friends.
Tell his/her friends that you wish the very best for your ex in life.
This attitude will domino over to your ex's ears and he/she will be secretly pleased with your large hearted conduct.
The 4th mind game would be simply ask your ex's friends to indicate that you will only wait until a particular date for your ex to make a move otherwise you will simply close the chapter in your life and pick up a new book.
This will force your ex into making a move to get you back in his/her life.
All you need to do now is to wait for your ex to come on bent knees and outstretched hands.
So, use these 4 brilliant mind games and witness your ex turning from hostile to docile before running right back into your life again.