A Quick Homemade Gift for My Boyfriend
- Make a delicious treat to show your boyfriend that you care.Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
If you're pressed for time and want to prepare a quick homemade present, then bake your boyfriend a batch of his favorite cookies. If he likes a variety of cookies, then mix it up and prepare an assortment for him. When the cookies have cooled, put them in a cookie jar and attach a bow to the jar. His tasty gift can be delivered any time you'd like.
As an alternative to cookies, you can bake any dessert that your boyfriend will enjoy. Prepare brownies, a pie, or even fudge as a gift. - Paint a plain wooden picture frame (these types of frames can be purchased at craft stores). Decorate the frame in any manner that you would like. You can write a special message to your boyfriend or just paint an image that you think he will enjoy. Choose a favorite picture of the two of you, and place the image inside the frame. When he sees his gift, he will be reminded of the good times you've shared.
- If your boyfriend enjoys music, then create a CD or play list with his favorite music. An alternative idea is to choose musical selections that have special meanings for the two of you. For example, include on the play list the first song that you danced to. If you give your boyfriend a CD, decorate the case for him and write a special message on the cover.
- Plan to surprise your boyfriend with a romantic evening. Cook a homemade dinner for him, being sure to include all of his favorite dishes. Set the table and include candles so that you can have romantic lighting. Before he arrives, take the time to write a love letter to him. Tell him how much you appreciate him and why you love him. Put the love letter on his plate so that he can read your message before dinner.