November, Beautiful November
It's a tough time for a lot of people.
Days are shorter, temperature is going down and even the light is different.
It's making a lot of us depressed.
Autumn is such a beautiful season, rich of contrasts, colours.
It's the time to go back inside, have nice quiet evenings in your home.
After the madness of summer, holidays, fun, barbecues, long evenings out, it's time to be back to yourself, back to your inner life.
I can understand how scary it can be for some of us, but think about it, is it so terrible? Some of us would like to have summer 12 month a year and sunshine everyday.
We can see how big is the exodus, especially from Brits to warmer countries in the south.
I really think that a majority of people are attracted to sun and light and what appears like an easier life.
To have been watching all those TV shows about relocation abroad and leaving in the sun, i believe that it is a fantasy, and that life is what we're doing of it.
Where ever we go, we are bringing everything with us, our temper, our joy, our happiness and our unsolved problems.
We are who we are where ever we go.
We are trapped in our skin as long as we are alive.
Charles Aznavour, a French Armenian singer said "misery would be better in the sun".
Actually, I'm not sure that I agree with this statement.
All depends on which kind of misery we're talking about.
Anyway, I'm not putting back to back our west European countries with islands in the sun.
The fact is that we're living here and that it is a waste of time and energy to battle against something that we can't do anything about.
My proposal is just to look at it in a different way.
Every year I am so excited about spring coming back after winter and on the same way, I am so happy to see autumn coming after summer.
I don't like to have the same over and over again.
I spent 2 years in Provence (south of France), where there was more than 300 days of sunshine every year.
You know what? I missed rain, fog and all the bad weather that makes you enjoy sun.
I like change and I'm easily board with the same over and over again.
On the top of this, autumn is the season of mystery, magic.
Can you imagine Halloween in August? Of course not.
During autumn everything is different.
The days are shorter, and the nights longer.
We are acting as kids who doesn't want to go to bed for a nap.
It's the season to go in forest.
Did you ever go to a forest in autumn? It is just amazing.
The colours are stunning, the light is incredible.
When I was leaving in Burgundy, I was going for a long walk every morning in the forest with my dogs.
It was completely full of magic and charm.
I love autumn as well because it's a season where you can start to dress again, put one nice clothes without sweating.
It's a season to eat different kind of food, to switch back to red wine.
Isn't it great to go to bed and to have the pleasure to go under a warm nice duvet when the room is a little chilly? Early morning, when you wake up and it's still all quiet and dark, you are like the first one to wake up in the world for something extraordinary.
Without autumn and winter, we would not have the excitement, the pleasure to see spring coming back.
We have to be ready for change and autumn is such a good reason to get ready for change.
Imagine your scarf's starting to move in your drawers.
They know that they'll be released soon and they can't wait, imagining your neck, they'll be again around, so close to you.
I miss sometimes the really cold weather of Switzerland, where I was waiting for the first snow, and one day, to be in bed and to notice that everything is so quiet, and so bright behind the blinds.
That's the sign that it snowed during the night.
Those days, I was so excited, in such a hurry to be ready, to be dressed and be out, to touch it, feel it, eat it.
Some winter, the temperature was dropping to -25 during the night.
Everything was frozen for weeks and weeks.
The snow was staying in the garden for a long time.
Please, do me a favour and look at autumn on a different angle.
Think of all things that you can't do in summer time and that are part of the autumn world.
Let your child spirit emerge and taste autumn, embrace autumn.
I just want you to try something different and explore what has been left on the side as a boring long cold horrible season.
If you experience something you have enjoyed, feel free to share with me.
If not, don't worry, it's nearly Christmas and spring will be back soon.