Communication Is The Vital Key To Succeed In Saving Your Marriage!
For instance, you are both obviously unhappy, you don't seem to enjoy each other's company anymore, when you are together, tensions run high and you end up arguing, and worst of all, the intimate side of your marriage is all but non-existent.
However much you argue when you are together these days, it is vitally important that you sit down together and talk things over right away.
Try to do it when you are both not too tired or busy, as this will only cause frustrations that will inevitably end up in an argument.
You first need to establish whether you still have feelings for each other - without these then there is really no point in carrying on.
However, if you do still love each other, then you have every reason to go all out and save your marriage.
It all boils down to the fact that you don't have time for each other, so talk about where you can shave off some time from your daily activities - this time can be 'saved up' during the week and be used to do something special together.
Doing this, you will actually become enthusiastic about the weekends, and the opportunity to be with each other.
Make sure that you do something totally different and exciting each weekend.
You will find that after a while, you enjoy these times together so much, that you are more than willing to collect extra time out of your weekly activities in order to have more fun at the weekends.
Because you are adding excitement to your lives, you will obviously have more to talk about with each other.
By simply communicating with each other, you solve other problems in your lives quite naturally, and this in turn, helps you to save your marriage and be happy together again.