How to Treat Sick Boxfish

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Pets Fish : Pets & Animal

Starting a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium is Both Fun and Rewarding

Hobbies by very definition are fun for the person or people involved as that's usually the primary reason for being involved in the hobby in the first place. Starting a tropical freshwater fish aquarium has got to be at the top of the list of hobbies for both fun and reward.

DIY Fish Tank Cartridge Filter

Some aquariums and some hang-on-the-back (HOB) water filters use cartridge filters for primary filtration. These filters fit into a special slot in the filter assembly to remove large debris; some are filled with activated carbon for chemical filtration. Many manufacturers sell pre-made cartridge fi

How to Raise Tilapia in Tanks & Ponds

Tilapia has been called the "aquatic chicken" by fish experts, states Agri Business Week, because they are easy to raise and tolerate varying conditions. They also remain relatively healthy in captivity as they resist disease and parasites. Tilapia grows well in tanks and ponds, but if you live anyw

About Velvet Catfish

Velvet catfish are members of the family Diplomystidae, which occur in the fresh waters of southern South America, Argentina and Chile. Diplomystidae is the most primitive family of catfish, and the only one whose members have well-developed teeth on the maxilla. According to the Encyclopaedia Brita

How to Breed Yellow Bumble Bee Cichlids

The yellow bumblebee cichlid is also known as the chameleon cichlid or the hornet cichlid. These cichlids are yellow, gold, or tan with dark stripes. They are a medium sized fish, growing to about eight inches long. They need a lot of water to roam in, and require specific diet and water conditions

Fish Tanks For Sale - A Tank for The Fish

Keeping fish as pets is a pleasurable experience. It is also a less laborious business than keeping most other kinds of pets. However in order to get the best out of the experience you have be prepared beforehand from the time you decide to buy fish.

EV Protein Skimmers

Some of the top protein skimmers on the market today. They have been making this unit since 1999 with a few up grades to make it better. They have 6 different sizes of this skimmer I have listed only 4 of them on here. They have a variety that fit from the 40 gallon tanks to the 2000 gallon ones.

How to Maintain a Fish in an Aquarium

Fish make exciting and entertaining pets for aquarium keepers of all ages, and while it is true that they are relatively easy to care for, like any other pet, they are not able to be kept happy and healthy without regular care. Fish are evolved to live in much larger bodies of water than the average

The Fame and Threats to the Size of a Bigeye Tuna

The size of a bigeye tuna contributes to its demand and popularity as food fish in many countries around the world. This may be good, but this has also caused for this species to be overfished and for environmentalists and scientists to take actions regarding the problem.

Aquarium - Look After Sand Sharks

Sand sharks are viewed as the most timid and least aggressive of the shark species. Sand sharks are ordinarily smaller in size than other sharks and move fairly slowly. These sharks are found everywhere the Atlantic Ocean, and are the most frequent type of shark. Although these sharks would seem to

Steps to a Clean Aquarium

Serious fish hobbyists, whether their interest is freshwater or saltwater denizens, are even more serious when it comes to keeping a clean aquarium. While this article focuses on cleaning a marine (saltwater) tank, many of the same methods can be applied to a freshwater aquarium. The basic tools of

How to Cure Live Rock in an Aquarium

Live rock can make a beautiful addition to any marine aquarium. Curing is necessary to prevent any unwanted results in your aquarium, such as decreasing the health of your marine animals, corals or plants. This is true even if the live rock you buy has already been cured. Curing live rock takes an

Anti Ich Dosage Methods for Fish Tanks

The most common fish illness found in freshwater or saltwater aquariums is the disease white spot or ich, pronounced "ick." Caused by a microscopic protozoan named Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, affected fish sport white spots on their body. This disease is highly contagious and treatment must begin

Gold Barb Fact Sheet

The Gold Barb, Puntius semifasciolatus is an excellent little aquarium fish. It usually grows to about two inches long (5cm) although I have seen ones nearer 4 inches (10cm). The Gold Barb is from Asia although the actual Gold form does not exist in the wild.

How to Breed Guppies in Ponds

Guppies are a member of a family of fish called livebearers. This family of fish is the easiest to breed. The females give live birth every 30 days or so. Many aquarists joke that the challenge with guppies isn't breeding them, but getting them to stop breeding. The only real effort in breeding gupp

A Big Tank For a Big Fish!

Unlike maintaining cats and dogs, fishes are viewed as one of the easiest pets to keep. Most of the time, dogs needs a large backyard to exercise and play. With fishes as pets, a nice corner with just about two meters of space is sufficient enough to have an aquarium that would help you relax each t

Decorating Your Aquarium With Driftwood

One of the best ways to create an all natural scene is to use driftwood. Driftwood is basically wood that has been soaking in the sea or river and through the weathering of nature has been crafted into smooth, unique pieces that looks artistic.