How to Breed Guppies in Ponds
- 1). "Baby-proof" any filters. The best way of doing this is to put a sponge pre-filter over any inlet for filters and pumps to keep the baby guppies (called fry) safe.
- 2). Add fine-leafed water plants. This will give the fry a place to hide from their parents and improve their chances of survival. Anacharis, cambomba and hornwort are good, fast-growing choices. These plants can be tucked into the soil or left floating.
- 3). Keep the guppies well-fed with flake food and the occasional live or freeze-dried treat. Fish can eat an amount of food the size of their eye, once per day at least.
- 4). Monitor and maintain the pH of the water with a pH test kit. Specific test methods will vary depending on which brand/type of kit you use. Guppies breed best in neutral or slightly hard water, a pH of 7 to 7.5.
- 5). Remove adult guppies with a net regularly; guppies can breed so prolifically they can overrun a small pond within a year. You can add the adults to aquaria to sell or use as feeder fish.